'They lay scattered between the vernal flourish and winter's icy grasp. These are the Bones of Summer...
From Norman author Marilyn A. Hudson comes a collection of short tales to chill you to the bone on even the hottest day. Find out what monsters fear in Erebus. Flee sinister silhouettes in When Shadows Move. And witness revenge slip from death's grip in When I'm Stronger.'
"Marilyn uses a darkly poetic writing style to create atmospheric character-driven stories. The result: chills and a need to read the next." Keith Pyeatt, award winning author of Struck and Dark Knowledge.
"[She] has a way of captivating your senses and making you feel the emotions of her characters. The Bones of Summer demands your attention and leave you wanting more." Terri French White, author of Tulsa's Haunted Memories.
From Norman author Marilyn A. Hudson comes a collection of short tales to chill you to the bone on even the hottest day. Find out what monsters fear in Erebus. Flee sinister silhouettes in When Shadows Move. And witness revenge slip from death's grip in When I'm Stronger.'
"Marilyn uses a darkly poetic writing style to create atmospheric character-driven stories. The result: chills and a need to read the next." Keith Pyeatt, award winning author of Struck and Dark Knowledge.

"[She] has a way of captivating your senses and making you feel the emotions of her characters. The Bones of Summer demands your attention and leave you wanting more." Terri French White, author of Tulsa's Haunted Memories.