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2020 Mega Writers Conference Announced, Springfield, Missouri

Springfield MO is hosting it’s first ever MEGA CONFERENCE in 2020.  The three major writing groups, Sleuths’ Ink Mystery Writers, Springfield Writers Guild, and Ozarks Romance Authors are joining together to host this event.  




Nimrod International Journal’s 2019 Conference for Readers and Writers will take place October 18th–19th. Featuring nationally known writers and newly discovered award-winners, this conference is also distinctive in that it pairs editors with writers who want individual critiques and guidance in refining their writing.  
On October 18th, Nimrod will kick off the Conference with Write Night at the Tulsa Historical Society & Museum. Write Night is free and open to the public and will begin with a reception of light bites and a cash bar at 6:30 p.m. Following at 7:00 p.m. will be an Author Chat, reading, and book signing with poet Kim Addonizio and fiction writer Margot Livesey. The event is co-hosted by Magic City Books and co-sponsored by The University of Tulsa’s Creative Writing program. 
On October 19th at 9:30 a.m., Nimrod will host the all-day Conference for Readers and Writers at The University of Tulsa. Participants will have the opportunity to work with over forty distinguished authors and editors at the Conference. Special guest authors and editors include National Book Award finalist and poet Kim Addonizio; Guggenheim Foundation and National Endowment for the Arts fellow, fiction author Margot Livesey; mystery novelist Rachel Howzell Hall, author of the Detective Elouise Norton series; 2017 Oklahoma Poet Laurate Jeanetta Calhoun Mish; William C. Morris Young Adult Debut Award finalist Anna-Marie McLemore; literary agent Jennifer Udden; and more.
Participants can choose from a wide array of panels and workshops on writing fiction, poetry, nonfiction, mystery, and young adult literature; publishing contracts; and more. Those who pre-register and send brief writing samples by October 12th also have the opportunity to sit down to discuss their work one on one with an experienced editor and/or have an individual critique of a novel query. 
Just a few of the workshops at the Conference:
  •      Hush, Shut Up, Please Be Quiet: How to Write Better Dialogue
  •      Revise Your Poem Without Killing It
  •      Crowdsourcing Research: Creative Nonfiction
  •      Publishing: Contracts 101
  •       Unpossessed: Reconsidering the Demonized in YA and Speculative Fiction
  •      Persona Poems: Speaking in Someone Else’s Voice
Each registrant is entitled to participate in readings, panel discussions, masterclasses, novel-query critiques, and one-on-one editing sessions, though those who plan to register for novel-query critiques or one-on-one editing sessions must register by October 12th.Scholarships to help cover registration costs are available for students, teachers, and adult writers in need. Professional development credit is available for Tulsa Public Schools teachers.
Registration Information:
  • October 18th, 6:30 p.m., the Tulsa Historical Society & Museum, 2445 S. Peoria Ave.: Nimrod Write Night. Free and open to the public. No reservations needed. 
  • October 19th, 9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., TU’s Allen Chapman Student Union, 440 S. Gary Ave.: Nimrod Conference for Readers and Writers.
    • Early Bird Registration is open until September 14th ($50/standard, $10/scholarship). 
    • Regular Registration is open September 15th–October 15th ($60/standard, $10/scholarship). 
    • Late Registration will take place at the door ($70/standard, $15/scholarship). 
Those who wish to participate in a one-on-one editing session or novel-query critique session must register and send in 2–3 pages of poetry or 4–5 pages of prose by October 12th.
For registration forms and more information, including scholarship information, please contact Nimrod at 918-631-3080; e-mail; or visit the Nimrod website:


Gripping Tale by Author Roxie Faulkner Kirk

 The story of Red Dirt Hymnbook is one set in a land and time that are nearly prototypes of  a mythic 'Anyplace' peopled by "Everyman' archetypes.  It could be the 1970's or 1980's but seen through the lens of a religious strata - Holiness sects and subgroups - existing under a dozen or more banners - they are as current as today.  In Kirk's work the author masterfully captures larger than life themes and small nuances with equal skill. She handles both with a soft focus haze of a dream of the not too distant past and the harsh edged shadows of glaring ugly reality.

Told through the powerful and authentic voice of Ruby Fae, young wife of young traveling preacher J.W.Jasper, throws back the covering of appearances of holiness to reveal the frailty of humanity tainted by patriarchy, power hunger, and manipulation. It is a land at once familiar and idealized, peopled by characters drawn in vivid lines of reality, whose stories speak to not just one group but to the broader wealth of human experience.

These all combine gently, elegantly. At first with just a teasing whisper of currents under the surface and then with gripping force to pull the reader into the story, and into a world bordered by appearances, corrupted by control, poisoned by the misuse of scripture, and stalked by the hunger of the human heart to be free.

The motif of music - how it can be used to manipulate perceptions of skill (as Ruby notes early in the book) and present a false front that helps people to see only what they manipulators desire. How that music and memories can serve as a soundtrack for the search of the soul for identity and value  become thematic. Spanning the book like a long and much traveled country road. References to old camp meeting spirituals and hymns (well known to those in Baptist, Holiness, Nazarene and other religious groups) are interspersed with the hits of the book's setting (John Denver Country Roads to Three Dog Night's Jeremiah was A Bullfrog) creating almost count and counter point as two words and two realities begin to merge.

The Red Dirt Hymnbook by Roxie Faulkner Kirk is a beautiful story told in an eloquent, sometimes poetic manner as fresh as the prairie winds and as limitless as the broad blue sky. The voice of Ruby Mae Jasper is fresh, clean, and vividly compelling. Highly recommended!

Visit the author at: /

Review by MaH2019


Oklahoma Book Festival Returns for 2019

Mark the date on your calendars now to journey to Oklahoma City's Boat District for the next installment of the Oklahoma Book Festival.  From the page comes this explanation of their purpose :
"Mission -The Oklahoma Book Festival brings authors and readers together to create an exciting venue where literacy, artistic expression, and cultural experiences are celebrated.  Vision -
To encourage Oklahomans to love reading and to enhance their cultural awareness."

The 2019 Book Festival will be September 21: "Join us for a fun-filled day celebrating books, authors, readers, and illustrators. The 2nd Annual Oklahoma Book Festival will take place at the Boathouse District in Oklahoma City on September 21, 2019!  Thanks to generous sponsors and donors, the Oklahoma Book Festival is FREE and open to the public."

The event is sure to please -
–Featuring 50-75 of America’s finest literary talent
–Panel discussions and author presentations
–Book signing times
–Children’s storytelling and craft activities
–Food trucks
–Vendors and merchandise
–and of course, BOOKS!

Looking for Authors in NW Oklahoma

A new blog "Cimarron Country" is looking for authors who come from or live in the area of Payne County. Surrounding counties welcome. A list of these authors will be added to the page. The purpose of the page is to increase awareness of the landscape, places, and history of Payne County and region including the authors and artists.

Send information to