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A book signing was recently held at the Wyandotte Nation Tribal Center, in Wyandotte, Oklahoma, for the release of a new book. Kwa-hoo-sha-ha-ke, American Indian Warrior Hero, is a book about the life of Leaford Bearskin, Chief of the Wyandotte Nation. Written by noted local author and historian, Fredrea Cook, it was released in very limited edition. Published by the Gregath Publishing Company of Wyandotte, Oklahoma, books have already been shipped as far away as Australia.

The book touches on the life of Chief Bearskin, from early childhood in the Wyandotte Reserve to his current position as head of the Wyandotte Nation. His lengthy career as an Air Force bomber pilot in the South Pacific during World War II, where he flew 46 unscathed bombing missions, followed by 29 Berlin Airlift missions is covered in the publication. It also looks at his Federal Civil Service career of many years and some of the achievements of the past twenty-six years serving as Chief of his tribe.

From modest conditions within the Wyandotte Reserve of the 1920’s to life as a head of state, the book gives a glimpse into the life of one man who has served his country for 40 years and his tribe for 26 years. Recently re-elected to another term as Chief of the Wyandotte Nation, Leaford Bearskin continues to envision, and work towards, better things for his people and community.

A long time historian and genealogist, Mrs. Cook has written several books, including college level text books. She has also developed and taught genealogical research and writing classes for colleges and universities. A Director of the Genealogical Speakers Guild, she also belongs to the Association of Professional Genealogists, National Genealogical Society, Federation of Genealogical Societies, Oklahoma Historical Society and numerous historical and lineal organizations.

Mrs. Cook and her husband, Fredas, make their home in the Twin Bridges area of Ottawa County.

The book is available through the publisher, an Oklahoma business, The Gregath Publishing Company. Call the author at 918-542-4148 or visit the website for more information.


'THANKING OUR TROOPS": The God Bless America Touring Quilts and Book

Thanking Our Troops: God Bless America Touring Quilts
By Judy Howard and Nationwide Quilt Artists

“Like a mother's loving arms, this quilt is our hug for our hero—a gift of thanks for protecting America. It expresses our gratitude, love, respect, and honor to forever hold and comfort you.”

This is the greeting sewn on the back of the quilt that Staff Sergeant Logan Ballew received upon arriving at the Bethesda Military Hospital in August of 2006. While disarming a roadside bomb in Iraq, Logan received the impact of the exploding bomb. The local military hospital personnel waited to notify Logan’s parents for three days, not knowing whether they would be sending the boy back home in a body bag or to a hospital.

Logan’s mother, Joan Ballew from Edmond, Oklahoma, entered a portrait quilt of her son, incorporating his uniform with buttons and zippers, in Buckboard Quilts’ God Bless America touring quilt exhibit, Thanking Our Troops. “How do I love America—let me quilt the ways” is the theme of these 200 twenty-two-inch and larger patriotic quilts that are blanketing America for four years with “Hugs for our Heroes.” which are included in this full color gift book retailing for $19.95.
ISBN: 978-0-9762375-3-2 ALL book and exhibit profits go for quilts for wounded troops and families of our fallen heroes.



On Saturday October 10th @ 10 a.m.,Enid Public Library, join Cullan Hudson, author of STRANGE STATE: MYSTERIES AND LEGENDS OF OKLAHOMA and Tammy Wilson, one of the authors of GHOSTLAHOMA, for stories about The Spirits of Oklahoma.



Imagine Oklahoma at Red Dirt Book Festival

SHAWNEE—More than 70 well-known writers, entertainers, and scholars with Oklahoma roots are preparing to be in Shawnee, Okla. on November 6 and 7 to present 40 programs for hundreds of reading enthusiasts and aspiring writers. The fourth biennial Red Dirt Book Festival will be held at the Heart of Oklahoma Expo Center on Friday, November 6, and at Oklahoma Baptist University on Saturday, November 7. The public is invited to attend any or all of the programs associated with the festival. Registration for most Red Dirt Book Festival events is free and can be done online at through October 15.

Imagine Oklahoma is the conversational theme for the 2009 festival, and will be illustrated by several featured presenters who help the world image Oklahoma through their work on television. Ron Stahl, co-host of the Integris Discover Oklahoma series will speak at the Opening General Session at the Expo Center at 9 a.m. Friday, November 6. The luncheon speaker on Friday is Susan Miller, producer of the Gallery series on OETA-TV. The Friday evening banquet speaker is Galen Culver, producer of the Is This a Great State or What! series for KFOR-TV. Also performing at the banquet which will be held at the Potawatomi Cultural Heritage Center are the Red Dirt Rangers.

The featured author for the 2009 festival is Billie Letts, best known for her debut novel, Where the Heart Is which became a York Times Best Seller, an Oprah Book Club selection, and a major motion picture. Letts has written three more novels, all with Oklahoma settings and characters. Her latest work, Made in the USA, was published in 2008. Letts will speak at OBU’s Raley Chapel at 11 a.m. Saturday, November 7. Copies of her novels will be available for purchase and autographing following the presentation.

Previous featured authors have included Tony Hillerman, the first American author whose work was featured on the PBS series, Mystery!; Bob Burke, 2006 Oklahoma Hall of Fame inductee who has written 70 historical non-fiction books; Fred R. Harris, former U.S. Senator from Oklahoma and widely published author of nonfiction, including Does People Do It? A Memoir; and Carolyn Hart, master of mystery and suspense and the first author to win all three major mystery awards for her novels--the Agatha, the Anthony, and the Macavity awards.

Those interested in attending any portion of the festival may visit their nearest hometown public library in Cleveland, McClain and Pottawatomie counties to pick up a free copy of the winter 2009 edition of WORD Magazine which contains complete festival information including a list of presenters and donors.

Major support for the festival is provided the Pioneer Library System, the Oklahoma Humanities Council, and the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Ar-Hale Family Foundation, Dougherty Fund, and Kirkpatrick Family Fund. Additional support comes from the Shawnee Convention and Visitors Bureau, the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, Oklahoma Baptist University and St. Gregory’s University and many local donors and volunteers.
Pioneer Library System
Galyn Cresap , Public Relations Specialist
Telephone; 701-2674



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"If you can imagine it, we can help you do it!"
A sister company of Paige1Media: Print Graphics Solutions, Paige1Publishing focuses heavily on helping new and young author's get their books in print and sold without breaking their bank. Providing reasonable options anyone can afford, we strive to keep YOU in control of YOUR books. There is no royalty fee and you retain sole ownership of your work.



Author Tells Stories of Paying Debts Before There Were Bailouts.
New author, Barbara Howell, tells her story from struggle to success within a man’s profession in her book, Splinters: The Pain, The Passion, The Point, published by Paige1Media.
Before the term “bailout” was a household word, Barbara was trying to survive her own recession. While the world was moving forward and economic times were booming, she was caught in a web of enormous debt. This is a story of risking everything to save family members from ruin and being honorable to commitments.“I have survived what so many people are currently going through today,” Barbara said. “There is always Monday after Friday and I want to share this encouragement with as many people as possible. Hopefully, this book will do that."
Splinters is Barbara's story of not only surviving but becoming a success in a man’s profession: carpentry.Thrust into a business she didn’t want or think she was capable of doing, Barbara was well aware of the odds stacked against her.

She didn’t set out to prove anything. Her only goal was to pay her debts and survive.Some of her stories are remarkable. Such as the day she went undercover with the FBI to unwittingly assist in a sting operation; the day the naked man sought shelter in her booth; or the day the“panty man” struck her brand new trailer.

She has seen first hand God’s protection as she walked away from serious accidents and remained determined to play the hand life had dealt her. She was unwilling to allow circumstances to defeat her.Barbara, along with her daughter and two granddaughters, birthed Southern Ladies Showcases through sweat, guts and tears. The business, now successful, takes its rightful place in what was once, strictly a man’s profession.Southern Ladies Showcases, specializes in hand-crafted, custom-made display cases for every collection and hobby. Today, the business proudly has products in homes, businesses and museums across America and around the world.

Barbara’s commitment to succeed, her courage and undefeated attitude will be an inspiration as you read this story of struggle and ultimate victory. A story of uncommon courage and perseverance in the face of life's obstacles, Splinters is sure to encourage readers on their journey of life. The book is available in select bookstores across the country as well as online at



Oklahoma Labyrinths – a path to inner peace details the story of labyrinths in the Sooner State. Oklahoma City authors Gail Peck, Linda Yeingst and Phyllis Pennington share their experiences and the wisdom they learned from walking these ancient symbols of wisdom.

Forty-four of the 70 Oklahoma labyrinths are permanent outdoor creations. The remaining 26 are portable canvas or nylon, tile or painted indoors on concrete. A total of 33 represent religious institutions, church camps, spiritual centers or retreats. Seventeen are located on private property or owned by individuals not associated with a business.

Four add a special presence to public parks, three are located at educational institutions, three at farms and one each at a hospital, dojo, wellness center, deli, Camp Fire facility and art district. The other four are utilized by their owners in private counseling sessions.

Twenty-one (18 outdoor and three indoor) depict 7-circuit Classicals. Twenty (10 outdoor and 10 indoor) model 11-circuit Chartres. Five (two outdoor and three indoor) represent the Santa Rosa and two are interactive portable canvas prayer paths. Those remaining characterize modified versions or contemporary styles.

A total of 27 cities in Oklahoma sport labyrinths. Eight of those cities have multiple labyrinths with 14 in Oklahoma City, 12 in Edmond, 12 in Tulsa, four in Norman and three in Tahlequah. Chouteau, Muskogee and Shawnee have two each.

Oklahoma Labyrinths – a path to inner peace features a complete list of all state labyrinths.

The 308-page inspirational book, published by 7 Hawks Publishing Company in Oklahoma City, sells for $14.95.
7 Hawks Publishing Company
4005 NW 29
OKC, OK 73107
 (405) 943-2741