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Book about Oklahoma Storytellers Donated by State Group to Iceland Library

 Author Marilyn A. Hudson shares this news. "It is always a delight to see where my books travel. Love catching them in libraries and on shelves in shops. Now, I can add this delightful event sent out by Oklahoma Territory Tellers.   

"The country of Iceland is known for its high literacy rate, a country that loves poetry and stories, both written and oral. Well now it can add one
more book about stories and storytellers.

When Chester Weems recently traveled to Iceland he took a new copy of Marilyn Hudson’s book Stories Center Stage: Storytelling in Modern Oklahoma.  

Chester went to the public library in Akureyri, the second largest city, of about 20,000, in northern Iceland. They have a very modern library, the newest in Iceland. Chester presented Marilyn’s book to Doddi Jonsson, a staff member and an Icelandic author himself, to be added to the library’s collection. 

So, Marilyn is now, way up north, as are all the Territory Tellers in her book."  

Hudson added, "There is a photo - so I am told - showing Chester presenting the book to Mr. Jonsson taken by Kim Weems who traveled the country with her dad. " The book is available on Amazon.