The Stillwater Public Library is hosting a "Read Local" authors fair on Saturday, Oct. 26 from 1-4 p.m. As the name implies the library will be focusing on locally connected authors.
"We are inviting any author who has an association with Stillwater, Payne County, any of the town’s in Payne county or anywhere within the 50 miles surrounding Stillwater." stated Stacy Delano of the library. "Which means if the person lives in the area, went to school in the area, went to OSU/OAMC or worked in the area, then they would qualify."
The Stillwater Public Library, in partnership with Stillwater Writers Group and New Forums Press, is hosting the “Read Local” authors fair on Saturday, October 26, from 1-4 p.m. The fair is intended to introduce the community to local authors and to give local authors a forum for selling books. The fair features writers from Stillwater, Payne County and those who have a connection anywhere within the fifty miles surrounding Stillwater.
This event will be held in the Stillwater Public Library auditorium at 1107 S. Duck. Authors will be provided a table for booth space which may be set up at the authors’ discretion. Sales will be made through the authors. Chairs will also be provided, so that community members can visit with authors.
►FREE with a donation of two books by the author or $25.00
►One copy will be a giveaway and one will be added to the library’s Special Collections.
►Stillwater children’s book illustrator Tim Jessell at 2 p.m.
►Five minute author readings throughout the event
►Free coffee bar
►Children’s illustrating activities
►Giveaways-eligibility is based on visiting authors’ tables
►We are coordinating the event with the Stillwater Film Festival for maximum attendance at the library.
REGISTER: The fair is limited to 35 authors. To register, fill out the application at http://tinyurl.com/readlocal2013.
DEADLINE: Registrations must be completed by Friday, Sept. 20.
►Books to sell, money box, receipts
►Decorations for tables
►Pamphlets, business cards or other information
►Table giveaways, if desired
Although we are asking for the donation of two books (one to be archived in our special collections), we do not want this to be a “deal breaker” for anyone and we’ll be glad to discuss options for anyone who cannot provide the books.
Stacy DeLano
Stillwater Public Library