Oklahoma Books and Authors Showcase will be take place on Saturday, October 9th. The celebration of Oklahoma Books and native Oklahoma Authors, open and free to the public, will take place in the Embassy Suites Ballroom, 3332 South 79th East Avenue, Tulsa, Oklahoma, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
The Showcase is designed to promote talented authors from Oklahoma as well as books that touch on our great state. Many authors representing several genres will be present to autograph their work. Attendees are free to enjoy browsing and shopping among some of the finest fiction and non-fiction books and authors Oklahoma has to offer. Several genres will be represented, including but not limited to: History, Inspirational, Genealogy, Religious, Children, Romance and much more.
In conjunction with the Showcase, a genealogical seminar is also being presented. William Welge, Director, Archives and Manuscript Division, Oklahoma Historical Society will share his wealth of knowledge with those attending. Any researcher who attends will likely find possible avenues of fruitful discoveries in the OHS Research Division.
A special dinner will kick off the weekend activities, on Friday evening. “Dinner with Oklahoma Authors” is also open to the public, with profits benefiting the Friends of the Oklahoma Historical Society Archives.
All three separate, yet complimenting, events are being presented by the Gregath Company of Wyandotte, Oklahoma, with the cooperation of the Friends of the Oklahoma Historical Society Archives. There is limited seating for both the Genealogy Seminar and the Dinner. Reservations will be made, as space allows through Friday, September 24, 2010.
More information is available at
www.gregathcompany.com/workshop/show or by calling 918-542-4148. It is the hope of those involved, that by showcasing the vast talents of Oklahoma authors, books dealing with our state and archival studies within the state’s premier archival repository, those attending will come away with much more than knowledge.