Dr. Reggies Wenyika, V.P. of Academic Affairs for Southwestern Christian University in Bethany, Oklahoma, was part of a major work called "Engaging Our World: Christian Worldview from the Ivory Tower to Global Impact" (W&S Academic Press, 2009 ISBN: 978-0-9819526-9-7). He served as an editor and co-wrote one chapter ,"Religion of the Heart: Expelled from the American University."
It is available from Amazon.com, and various other book outlets.
From the cover: " What difference does a worldview make?" These eclectic essays from nearly trwenty scholars show how embodying a biblical Christian worldview helps transform mere existence into fullness of life." Scholars from institutions around the world share insights from several academic disciplines on what a Christian worldview means in the 21st century. The essays are based on papers delivered at the International Institute for Christian Studies Conference.