Introduced will be stories of Cattle Annie, Little Britches, "Tom King" aka Flo Quick,Jessie Findlay, and others...Watch for additional volumes in this series, Neighborhood of Hell.
Marilyn A. Hudson is the author of several nonfiction works including "When Death Rode the Rails", "Into Oblivion", and "Murderous Marriages". Additionally she is the author of fictional works "Foul Harvest", "Sword of Anath", and coauthor of "The Mound".
Hudson has been labeled "The Bizarre History Genie" for her skill in unearthing long buried and forgotten nuggets of history. An author, storyteller, artist and library professional Hudson is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma.
[Image by Fresh Eire Designs, Cullan Hudson]
Publishing date : September 2017, with distribution through Amazon and Kindle, TBA