ISBN: 978-1494424121
Tonya Holmes Shook resides in Texas now, but for many years her place was in Oklahoma. As a well regarded author she supported others and she founded a book festival in southwest Oklahoma.
It is a visual memory of life lived, choices made, dreams generated, and a faith that was always whispering to the people involved, sometimes in spite of themselves.
" During our thirty-six years together never have we had a creative void...this book consists of many things that we call a creative force from God to achieve things never once dreamed possible or even thought of for that matter. The glory is His." (pg. 4)
If you like history, art, creative expression, and biography, you will enjoy this volume. Multi-talented Tonya Holmes Shook and her talented spouse Clarence Wade Shook, share the very human progression of a journey through artistic expression: art, weaving, pottery, several novels and then again to art in a full circle that I rich in the challenges of life, the stories we inherit and make, and the way that art reflects the soul of the person producing every brush stroke or every word.
A good addition to art collections, biographies, and so many other areas. She shares that the destination is never as important as what you do with the journey and as such it is inspiring.
Tonya Holmes Shook's writings include: The Drifters, Canady: The Los Shanty boat Man; Anyone Can Be a Wool Spinner, No Soft Place To Fall, Displaced Cherokee, God's Breakfast Nook, and a Portrait of Christ. Clarence's works include: Used and Forgotten: A Photographic Journey; The Magnificent Mesquites of Synder.