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Here is a meet the author and a section about his latest book below. You can find more on him at He publishes with Gregath and iUniverse.

Meet the Author: "I, Cecil Gomez, am a native son of Oklahoma, born in the little town of Sapulpa, five miles south of Tulsa, Oklahoma. I am the 2nd offspring of Juan and Edelia Gomez’s twelve children. I was raised in the little town of West Tulsa in a forlorn barrio of other Mexican immigrants – all railroad workers – none of whom could speak English. Our little colony of eleven families, called the Y, was comprised of two-room shacks and was completely surrounded by railroad tracks. I attended the Catholic schools of St. Catherine and Holy Family High School. When I enrolled in school at the age of seven, I could not speak English. At the age of eight, I became bilingual and soon thereafter, I became an interpreter for many Mexican families, assisting them in business and personal matters requiring English attention.I served three years in the United States Navy in the Aleutian Islands during World War II. I am married to my wonderful wife Josephine and have four beautiful children – eight grandchildren and two great grandchildren. On returning home from the war, I built my parents a new 7-room home away from the “Y” into a dignified residential part of town. Also, I enrolled in Oklahoma School of Accountancy in Tulsa, and graduated with a BCS. Bachelor of Commercial Science Degree. Pursuing my accounting profession, I later established a very successful accounting Practice. In 1992, I sold my practice and retired. In 1996, I wrote my first book entitled “Mama and Papa’s Twelve Children and the Y, a documentation of the life and times of my parents and family. That book was written solely for family reading and enjoyment. My latest book, “A Mexican Twilight”, was written for purpose of dramatizing the true and complete life-long journey of my parents and other immigrants to the United States in search of a better life. Both of my books include important historic data relative to early Mexican immigration, and their assimilation with American cultureWhere the status of the Mexican immigrant in America is concerned, it is not my purpose nor intent to dilute or glorify their unique, but unfortunate circumstances in the United States. Instead, my only intent is to document the reality of their existence and their dream of a better life. Personally, I view all immigrants in America, whether legal or illegal, as our duty and obligation to openly and legally deal with their dire existence in a compassionate and humanitarian way. History has recorded much bigotry, racism, and discrimination in our country – all of it unnecessary and undeserving, but nevertheless, painful. Many of my readers, including immigrants from countries other than Mexico, have expressed their dislike of the attitude of bigots and would very much like to see a greater respect and acceptance of their life among us. Since the publication of “A Mexican Twilight”, I have gladly donated many books to our schools and libraries and other non-profit historical associations. I have become involved with the Latinos Presentes! Project, an agency dedicated to demonstrating the presence and the contributions of the Hispanic community. This is a project of the Hispanic Resource Center of the Tulsa-City, County library, and in cooperation with Oklahoma University of Tulsa, Oklahoma State University, the Tulsa Community College, and professor Rodger Randle who is with the University of Oklahoma Center for Studies of Democracy and culture."

Cecil's Newest Publication $35.00
West Tulsa Oklahoma 1939 Before and After The Greatest Little American Town That Once Was
8.5x11"perfect bound color cover (softbound)358 pages
ISBN 0-944619-90-8/978-0-944619-90-2

Sand Springs, Oklahoma author Cecil Gomez is near to the release of his third book. "West Tulsa, Oklahoma 1939, Before and After" is a historical novel about the early days in a small town on the west bank of the Arkansas River in the shadow of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Cecil explores life and times of the community through the eyes of early residents as they share stories of places that dotted the landscape. Their recollections, like the book’s cover, are gradually fading away. He captures the memories of actual events as they affected individuals and families in an easy reading text. He has collected some wonderful photos from original sources for first time publication and posted them with others from the outstanding Beryl Ford Collection in the hands of the Rotary Club of Tulsa. You will want to have this book on your shelf if you have lived in West Tulsa or the Southwest Tulsa area.

You will probably be interested, even if you lived on the east bank of the river and looked west at times, wondering what it was like living in the heart of Historic Route 66, alongside the Frisco/BNSF Cherokee Railroad Yard, between the refineries, and at the west end of the 11th Street Bridge the City of Tulsa dedicated as the Cyrus Avery Bridge in his honor.


Oklahoma Author-Artist Wins Award

Cullan Hudson, author of "Strange State" the book and blog, announces that he has won a design contest for an Australian hotel. His designs can be viewed on Fresh Eire Design. He does freelance design jobs for book covers, flyers, and other items.


Armstrong, Kenneth Shelby (Author)
Paperback isbn 9780979832765
Retail Price: $13.95
Rough Road Books

What happens when life gives you lemons? When you find that your best laid plans have taken a wrong turn? What happens when your life has gone where you never dreamed it would go and how do you make your way back? When the door of the cell slams behind you how do you find yourself? In a collection of finely crafted essays Armstrong explores all of those questions and in the process finds that flowers of humanity can bloom in strange places and that in even the loneliest of times there can be friends. Part personal reflection and part observational essays "Reluctant Guest" shares in sketches of life so real and so insightful that it can take the breath away. Along the way a cast of memorable souls are revealed who demonstrate that there are angels everywhere.


New Blog Features Paranormal Books, Reviews, Events

Authors of paranormal books (fiction and nonfiction) will want to explore the "Paranormal Librarian". They will do professional reviews, post information targeted to lovers of paranormal reading and activities. Submitters of reading lists, book reviews, and critiques are welcome. They will soon have all contact information online so keep checking it out.



Book Description:
My intention was to do a photographic impression of life in Southeastern Oklahoma. Some of the subjects covered were education (including FHA and FFA), religion, sports, patriotism, gas and oil exploration, the livestock industry, rodeo sports, native americans, deer hunting, and politics. The sports chapter covers the 2007-2008 basketball season in Pittsburg county. The area covered ranges from as far North as Eufaula for the native American powwow , as far south as Atoka for the Civil War reenactments, as far west as Ada for the Deerman archery tournament, and east to Stigler for a cattle auction. The activities covered are typical of Oklahoma small town and rural life more or less throughout the state despite that fact that I confined my book to southeast Oklahoma.
From the Forward to the book:
"This photo-essay book tells the personal story of my coming back home to live in Southeast Oklahoma, of getting back together with old friends and of re-discovering a state that I actually knew little about while growing up here.
Reviews and comments about GOING HOME TO LITTLE DIXIE:
"Every school in the state should have a copy of this book" -Rudy Miller, Professor Emeritus of Zoology, OSU
"Great Book!. Really captures the spirit of 'Little Dixie'"- Megan Waters, KNED McAlester radio personality.
My bio: Born in Arkansas, raised in Oklahoma, headed west to California in 1966. Attended L. A. City College TV Production and theater history, Columbia School of Broadcasting, photography at the Art Center College of Design Los Angeles, inspired by photojournalist Ken Light in his photojournalism class at the Academy of Art, San Francisco.I worked as photographer and audio visual specialist in the advertising department of The Bank of California in San Francisco. I freelanced for the SF Bay Guardian, The San Francisco Chronicle, The San Francisco Examiner. I have shown my work at the Nanny Goat Hill Gallery and the Eye gallery in San Francisco.
Where to purchase:
Hardcover , Dust Jacket $83.95 Hardcover, ImageWrap $89.95 Softcover $70.95 Price does not include shipping.
Description of Imagewrap:All our bookstore-quality Hardcover, ImageWrap books are professionally printed by placing the cover image directly on the front and back of the hardcover, creating a smooth, sophisticated effect. ImageWrap covers feature a durable matte finish and library binding. There are no cover flaps



Life Springs Press and Dr. Terry Tramel announce the release of a new book, "The Beauty of the Balance: Toward an Evangelical - Pentecostal Theology".
A book signing will be held on the campus of Southwestern Christian University on Tuesday, February 17, 2009 in the Patrick Formal Dining Room, Patrick Building from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.

The book seeks to find the common ground behind two powerful contemporary religious theologies. It seeks to also offer a better articulation of some of the controversial claims of Pentecostalism. Content addresses issues related to scripture, Christ, salvation, sanctification, Spirit Baptism, suffering and the Second Coming. Detailed essays accompany these and address topics such as ,"The Primacy of Scripture in Pentecostal Theology", "The Reconciling Community of God", "The Initial Evidence of the Baptism of the Spirit","Spiritual Gifts" and others.

In his foreword, Bishop James Leggett of the International Pentecostal Holiness Church writes:" Dr. Tramel's book comes at an opportune time. I believe it will serve to deepen the Pentecostals' appreciation of their Evangelical brethren, and I believe it will help Evangelicals better understand the distinctives of Pentecostal theology."

To order directly from the publisher: LifeSprings Resources, or 1-800-541-1376 Cost: $20
To contact the author for interviews, visits, etc. Dr. Terry Tramel -



Twenty years ago a seven-year-old girl came into Steve Hood’s life, and his heart was opened wider than he ever thought possible. He adopted his daughter shortly after marrying her mother. Sugar, Spice and Lessons for Life is the revision of a cookbook that new author Steve Hood started about ten years ago. The original book, given as a high school graduation present, contained a number of favorite family recipes and some simple instructions for the kitchen. After revision, the cookbook now contains recipes not only for the kitchen, but as well for: life, love, grace, happiness, success, wisdom, and a recipe for the Proverbs 31 woman.
A book from a dad’s heart to his daughter, Sugar, Spice, and Lessons for Life gives a clear look at Biblical ingredients that go into the recipe of a person’s life. It is a book that every dad will want to give to his daughter as he sends her out into the world.

Author Steve Hood, a graduate of Oral Roberts University, has spent the past sixteen years working in the construction industry as an account manager for a large international tool and construction product company. He has been involved in a variety of functions at various local churches during his travels over the past several years. From teaching Sunday school, to leading small group studies, to playing guitar in a small country gospel band, Steve has stayed involved in God’s work wherever he has lived. Currently residing in Coweta, Oklahoma, Steve and his wife Terrie spend as much time as possible enjoying their new grandchildren and visiting with family and friends.

Sugar Spice and Lessons for Life is now available online at and at all area bookstores.

For further information contact:
Steven Hood - Author
Phone: 918-279-6818
Cell phone: 405-996-8232