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New Feature Added to Page: Submit your press release information via comment form

Submit the text of your press release or an informative book blurb. Make sure it includes links to where to find your book. Submit via the email on the contact page images of book covers or author or allow this page to copy and paste that from webpages.

Cover the who, what, why, and where of your book.

  • Who is the author? Who will be interested in this work?
  • What is the book about (themes, topics, etc.)
  • Why should someone read your book out of the other options? What makes it unique, different, better?
  • Where is this book found (bookstores, websites, libraries, etc.)
  • Use your creative abilities and write a short "commercial" on the work using action words and dynamic descriptions whenever possible. 

Your writing Friend, 

Marilyn A. Hudson