Web Manager:
Write "Ok Writers2022" in the subject line.
Submit information about your book or e-book. We need:
-A short blurb about your book. Practice your top-notch marketing skills!
-Short bio on the author
- Include a .jpg of book cover and/or author
-Contact information for author for interviews, speaking engagements or acquiring books.
Submit your news, services, recommendations, views, & events. We are looking for :
-News about Oklahoma authors (or those who have written about Oklahoma)
-Oklahoma based publishers or printers in Oklahoma who can print books for authors,
-News about Oklahoma writing groups,
-Conferences in Oklahoma (or regional),
-Writing/publishing classes offered in Oklahoma for writers, and recommended resources helpful to other writers.
About me:
Marilyn A. Hudson is an author, educator, and storyteller who is committed to helping promote new voices and works. She has a B.A. in History and a Master's in Library and Information Studies.
She charges nothing to promote your work, if you get the chance to review or promote her works, she would appreciate that!