

New Book Surveys Oklahoma UFO's 1947-1969

Oklahoma - the Sooner State - has been witness to numerous strange and unusual events over its history and that include things zipping across its skies and landing on its soil. 

Author Marilyn A. Hudson serves as tour guide to a collection of the assorted events that had people looking up to search the skies from 1947 to 1969. Drawn from government records, newspapers, personal accounts and local legends she shares what people saw, what some said the objects were and provides some information and questions along the way.

Today, as 'Unidentified Aerial Phenomena" are becoming news worthy and the term is replacing the well worn "Flying Saucers" and "UFO's" of the past, take a trip to see what was going on over Oklahoma skies...

You might be surprised.

Marilyn A. Hudson, is an Oklahoma research, author, and storyteller who has written both fiction and nonfiction.

Paperback format



For fiction: This answer from author Marilyn A. Hudson  - "I look for a well written and conceived story (beginning, middle, end). Solid grammar and structure skills. Artful use of language. Authentic "people" reacting true to their natures and growing in response to the path they take. Engaging, likeable main characters and conclusions that are logical to the story line and the characters. Finally, a sense that the author transported the reader to someplace else and the journey was worth the time."


Noted Tulsa Paranormal Authority Publishes New Work: Teri French

Traveling down Historic Route 66 through the foothills of the Ozarks, you may be lucky enough to stumble upon one of America s most beautiful cities in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Or maybe you re a lifelong resident of the Oil Capital of the World who wants to uncover the hidden gems of the city you call home. 100 Things to Do in Tulsa Before You Die showcases the art, culture, and people that make Tulsa shine, all while revealing a few of the secrets it hides.

This quick-reference travel guide shows the more diverse, eclectic, and fun things to do in Tulsa that should be on everyone s bucket list.

Get insider tips for visiting the Philbrook Museum of Art housed within the old mansion of oil tycoon Waite Phillips. Hum along to This Land is Your Land at the Woody Guthrie center, or check out the new renovations at The Church Studio where music legends like Willie Nelson and Bonnie Raitt once recorded their famous songs. Don t miss some of the best barbecue where pig country meets cow country, and find locally-owned favorites from Lebanese steakhouses to Coney Island dogs.

Local author Teri French is known for her ability sniff out Tulsan secrets, and her new guide will serve as an incomparable resource for visitors and locals alike. Make sure to bring it along for your next adventure and find out just what makes Tulsa so distinct.

French is the owner and guide to the vastly popular local tour, Tulsa Spirit Tours.  She draws on nearly 30 years of experience in the paranormal and metaphysical studies to delight and inform tours and readers. Her previous book, Tulsa's Haunted Memories, is a popular favorite about the paranormal side of Tulsa and surrounding areas.


Five-Dollar Indian: A Sam Chitto Mystery by Lu Clifton

Five-Dollar Indian, A Sam  Chitto Mystery (Released 5/15/2020)
Two Shadows Books
978-0-9985284-6-5 (Pprbk)
978-0-9985284-7-2 (Ebook)

Description: Upheaval comes to the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma over a proposed Native Theme park. The odd alliance of an Apache and a Sioux promoter attracts the attention of Choctaw officers when a powwow doesn’t seem to be the philanthropic fund-raiser it is touted to be. Then a fourteen-year-old Sioux boy is found dead in the Kiamichi Wilderness. The death looks like a drug overdose, but the country investigator finds other, more baffling evidence that draws in the unauthorized involvement of four tribal officers: one Sioux and three Choctaw, including Lieutenant Sam Chitto.

Lawmen are the “thin blue line” that holds back chaos, but each officer struggles with his own internal demons that put adherence to the code of ethics and the vows he took as an officer at risk. The dead boy’s grandfather, the Sioux officer, believes he has evidence the death was murder and wants to execute his own brand of justice. Meanwhile, Sam discovers one of the promoters is a five-dollar Indian – a white man posing as native to profit at Native Americans’ expense. The imposter is none other than Leon Messina, grandson of old drug lord Victor Messina - the man behind the gangland killing of Sam’s father.

Will mistrust, suspicion, and a deep desire for revenge prevent these four lawmen from working together to ensure justice is served?

About the Author:
Lu Clifton writes adult mysteries set in Oklahoma and Texas Panhandle, with a mingling of Native American cultural beliefs and traditions. She became interested in those cultural traditions while tracing her mother’s Choctaw roots. 

She was born in and spent her early childhood in southeastern Oklahoma, then moved to the Texas Panhandle with her family. She completed an associate degree at Amarillo Junior College in Texas and a B.A. and M.A. in English at Colorado State University. She now resides in Illinois. Her two happily married sons live in Oregon and Illinois and stay in close touch. Her housemate is a gray tabby named Mary Jane that she rescued from an animal shelter.

Writing for adults and children, she is a member of the Oklahoma Writers Federation, Mystery Writers of America, and the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. The first three books in the Sam Chitto mystery series were finalists for the Oklahoma Book Award for Fiction in the year following publication. Released in 2019, Seeking Grace in Beulah Land, a Novel, was a finalist for the 2020 award.

She has three middle-grade novels in print. Her middle-grade novel, Freaky Fast Frankie Joe, received a Friends of American Writers Award for Juvenile Fiction in 2013, and Seeking Cassandra won the 2017 Oklahoma Book Award for Young Adult Fiction.

Books by Lu Clifton
Sam Chitto Mysteries
  Scalp Dance
  The Bone Picker
  The Horned Owl
  Five-Dollar Indian
Stand-alone Novel
  Seeking Grace in Beulah Land
Children’s/YA Novels
  Freaky Fast Frankie Joe
  Immortal Max
  Seeking Cassandra
Lu Clifton


SCWI Conference April, "The Power of Story" in OKC (April 3-4, 2020)

The SCWI - the Oklahoma Chapter of the Society for Children's Writers and Illustrator's - will bring together publishers, writers, illustrators and more in Oklahoma City on April 3-4, 2020. 

Check out the website for more details for "The Power of Story":

Conference on April 3 – 4, 2020
in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

at the Embassy Suites Hotel,

1815 S Meridian Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73108

Friday, April 3rd from 7:00 to 10:00 PM

Saturday, April 4th from 9:00 AM to 6:00

Register now to take part in this awesome opportunity to meet others that share a passion for helping children/teens through the power of art and literature!

Learn from leading industry professionals in the children/young adult publishing business and submit your work to them....


Arkansas Writer's Event - March 2020

March 15, 2020 - Register early for this Workshop on Writing About Religion

What makes this workshop special? Writing about religion presents a unique set of challenges. Whether you’re writing about your own faith or someone else’s, it takes a high level of both objectivity and self-awareness to succeed. The goal of the three-hour workshop is for participants to have the start of a writing project.

Workshop participants will go over some of the thornier aspects of communicating about a religion, religious people, or even sacred objects and houses of worship. We will read from exemplary writing such as Malcolm Gladwell’s New Yorker piece Sacred and Profane. In this article, Gladwell examines how misunderstanding of religious beliefs can lead to failed communication, illustrated by the tragic result of negotiation between FBI agents and the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas. We will also read John Jeremiah Sullivan’s Upon This Rock, the essay in GQ in which he narrates his visit to the CrossOver Festival, a three-day Christian music festival, dispassionately describing the festival scene and only revealing close to the end of the article what his personal relationship to the Christian faith is.

The workshop is appropriate for writers from all genres and all experience levels. Participants needn’t ascribe to any particular faith. It will run from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday, March 15 at the Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow, 515 Spring Street, Eureka Springs, Arkansas. The class fee is $75 per person. Workshop attendees may reserve a writing suite for a residency at the Colony at the subsidized rate of $75 per night. We have limited the number of participants in order to do the topic justice, so please register soon at


Ruth Nasrullah




Creative Quills New Author Events & Classes for 2020

WRITER'S PROMPT: The fire...

PICTURE PROMPT: What's happening here?
Need assistance writing or editing?  Need to know more about self-publishing or e-books?  We're happy to help!  Come visit at Creative Quills OR sign up for the CVTech classes beginning Tuesday, January 15th.  For more info, contact or call  to
pre-register for classes at 405.422.2201.

Writer's Tip:

Single quotes are only used for one reason: if a person in dialogue is quoting someone else's exact words.


Mary said, "Hey, Joe, what did Mom say?"

Joe replied, "Mom said, 'Don't you dare do that!' So, don't, Sis!"

Double quotes are often used to quote authors or to name articles and sometimes to label things, but single quotes are never used except within another quote.
Creative Quills meets at El Reno Carnegie Library.  Join us for writing exercises and lots of fun  This is a safe place to share your writing and get your creative spark started!  We do lots of extracurricular activities too, so come join us if you have been looking for like-minded writers!  First event of 2020 is Tuesday, January 14.every other Tuesday at 10:30am.

If you can't attend our events, you can surely join our writing community online!  Get all of our prompts from the library meetups, and find out what we're doing, plus get writer's tips and contest/publishing info!  Some of this is private info, so be sure to join to get in on the scoop!  Check us out at !!!

Below are 2 of our graduating classes for WRITE PUBLISH & MARKET YOUR BOOK 2019!

NEED TO ADD TO YOUR RESUME?  We have opportunities for you to get published in local newspapers.  Writing can be fiction or non, but must be clean and be 650 words or less.  In order to be eligible, you must attend one of our FREE Creative Quills meetups OR join one of our Tech School classes for the semester.  Writers who attend our events at least once are eligible to submit.  They will be edited only for spelling, grammar, and punctuation before publication.  We reserve the right to say no to anything inappropriate for publishing standards of the newspapers/magazines in question.  For more info, contact Andrea at addresses below.


WRITE PUBLISH & MARKET YOUR BOOK is an 8 week class that teaches everything you need to know about finishing a book for publication, how to get it published and then how to sell.  The focus is doing all of this on a limited budget.  This class is $89 for 8 weeks, 6-9pm on Mondays.  People who complete this class are eligible for the WORKSHOP class scheduled on Wednesdays.  VETERANS, STUDENTS, and SENIORS MAY BE ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE a discount, making the class ONLY10 FOR A SEMESTER!! Just ask about discounts when you call.  for 8 weeks. Winter semester starts TUESDAY, JANUARY 14. 6-9PM and runs Call 405.422.2201 to register.
Dear Fellow Writers,
I just wanted to send this note to wish you all a Happy New Year and wishes that all your writing and publishing dreams come true in 2020.  Those of you who know me know that I am devoted to making this happen, and in 2019, over 25 Creative Quills members published their own books.  In addition, Creative Quills published its fourth book of short stories in as many years, entitled Christmas Treasures: From Our Past to Your Present.  
This coming year, we invite you to join us as we set new writing and publishing goals.  We look forward to continuing to submit to literary publications and contests, including Nimrod Journal and The Writing Cooperative as well as Writer's Digest and Oklahoma Center for the Book contests.  We hope to sell our publications at OWFI (Oklahoma Writer's Federation Inc.) as well as participate in the conference with a booth.  We already sponsor a tiny library and hope to have several in El Reno (our place of birth) as well as other towns in NW Oklahoma this year.  Lastly, we will be publishing a book of spooky stories available for Halloween 2020.
Please join us as we return to our home in the newly remodeled and historic El Reno Carnegie Library for our FREE Creative Writing meetup on Tuesdays at 10:30am. (Check the calendar for dates.)  And if you need help finishing your book or getting ready to publish, don't forget our 8 week classes at CVTech on Rt. 66 in El Reno, entitled WRITE PUBLISH AND MARKET YOUR BOOK.  CVTech gives awesome discounts to senior citizens, veterans, and students--like $10 for an entire semester!!!  CVTech has enabled many a publishing dream to come true!  
I have been in the writing, publishing, and marketing biz since 1977 and have worked with numerous famous authors.  My expertise can save you a lot of time and money and give you invaluable information so that you won't get tricked or ripped off by publishing vultures.  I also have many great ideas for marketing your book(s), and indeed, you will learn from your classmates' experiences as well.
Again, I thank you for being part of Creative Quills and hope that you join us for the many writing experiences we plan to share together in 2020.  Whether you just want to find some friendly support and camaraderie for your writing journey or if you have more concrete dreams for publishing--whether traditional or self-publishing, we would love to meet you and have you join our safe, fun writing group!
Thank you again, and here's to a new year that fulfills all your writing and publishing dreams!
Cheers, Andrea Foster, aka "The Booklady"  

A Note from Andrea...@akabooklady on Twitter

Join our Oklahoma writers as we head into 2020 Find us at the El Rebo Carnegie Library every other Tuesday starting January 15 at 10:30am.  This event is FREE.  We publish books of short stories, join community events, hold Open Mic Nights, and much much more! Then, join our online community at We hope you will come explore your love of writing with us!  --Andrea


Copyright © *2020* *Creative Quills*, All rights reserved.
Contact Andrea Foster,


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