

"Windows of Wesley" Gives Glimpse of Historic Building

Author Marilyn A. Hudson announces the completion of her most recent project, The Windows of Wesley: A Historic and Inspirational Journey, available  via and other venues. 
A historic and inspirational tour of the English Gothic Sanctuary of Wesley United Methodist Church (Oklahoma City, OK). The church was established in 1910 as Wesley Methodist Episcopal, North, and the sanctuary constructed in 1928. At that time four large (approx. 16 x 20 foot)  Christ windows, numerous smaller story windows, and extensive stone and wooden ornamentation.  Hudson has brought together church writings, history, and new research to uncover some interesting artistic and community history.

A blend of church history, local history, art history and the spiritual motivation sparking the use of the windows and the impact they have had on members.  Devotional writings by church members and leaders over the years further enrich the descriptions. Black and white images with accompanying historic, artistic, and inspirational text.
Information is included about the windows, their donors, and their known artistic influences. Additionally, other aspects of artistic expression at the church are also discussed, along with a reflective spiritual guide of the sanctuary.

On Sunday, April 13 (Palm Sunday) at 3 p.m. Hudson will lead guests through an inspirational tour of the sanctuary windows.  Interested individuals should call Wesley UMC at 405-525-3521 to reserve a place on this tour.
ISBN: 978-0615991917   / 01-0615991912
Subject areas: Stained glass windows, Oklahoma, United Methodism (History), Oklahoma City, Wesley United Methodist Church


Authors Available for School Visits or Book Talks

If you have written a book suitable for school children and can be available for school visits, please send your information to the contact email.

All other authors send your information as well as book genre to the contact email.


Not Just Another Sermon on the Mount Book

Author Tom Yarbrough earned degrees from Howard Payne University and Southwestern Seminary.  He is a retired professional counselor and university teacher who has turned to full-time writing.  His fourth work is Treasures of the Kingdom: A Conversational Confessional. 
Written in an easy, very conversational manner, this work strides confidently into an area largely barren in contemporary Christian spirituality. Clinging clearly to scripture and using traditional theology as a lighthouse, Yarbrough blends his professional skills as a professional counselor, to create a logical, biblically sound, and emotionally satisfying guide to personal spiritual formation.
The work explores the well known Sermon the Mount with fresh eyes that reinvigorate the words of Christ and provide new vistas of meaning to their application in the life of faith. The author, however, does not lead the reader into a vague dimension of abstracts but builds his discussions on the "how to live this in life."  "I discovered that when you look carefully at Matt. 5:1-12, you will find an extremely actie list of privileged behaviors, not exalted states of being...I came to understand that the nine beatitudes as kingdom quests through which every Christian needs to grow" (pg. xv).   Reflective questions and a plan of action for 90 days of 'intentional living" bring out the 'treasures' intended in the spiritual life in real and immediate ways.
 Perfect for religious or spirituality collections and for the person who wants to probe more deeply what it means to be a Christian.  A new convert will enjoy its understandable writing style, and it would make an excellent small group or class resource. 




Policy Studies Organization (PSO) offers publishing opportunities through its imprint and book program, Westphalia Press. We are looking for original manuscripts  and hope to be able to assist anyone with their publication goals. Manuscripts from all disciplines are welcome for consideration.

Our focus is on wider readership and dissemination. We offer attractive terms to authors under a print-on-demand model, which allows us to produce books at a low cost for increased worldwide distribution among readers and reviewers. All of our books are published both in paper and electronic versions.

As a non-profit academic association, Westphalia Press is a growing part of the PSO’s  longtime mission of accessible scholarship dissemination, and aims to provide quality  volumes at affordable prices. We believe there is much valuable scholarship out there that  deserves to be shared more widely and effectively.
Westphalia Press is multidisciplinary in scope, and publishes titles on a diversity of topics including history, art, and literature, as well as politics and government. For a list of current titles visit the Westphalia Press website at: For  questions or more information, please contact PSO Director, Daniel Gutierrez, at


Meet Author Travis Galen Smart

This book  causes the reader to stop and ask what is your purpose in life?

Author Travis Galen Smart wrote, My People It's Time to Come Home, because that was his question and, he noted, "It was a long time before I ever knew I had a purpose. Everything seemed that it was self-serving in life: you were supposed to have a family, a nice house, and a nice car with money in the bank.
I was born in Oklahoma, coached in Texas, retired and began living on our small ranch located in southwest Oklahoma. It has been in the family since 1917. The book was born out of a situation in 2008 where I needed to come up with a good sum of money for the mortgage on the land."

As is often the case, challenges can become guideposts and set one on a course to their destiny.

Smart added, "My dad bought one of the first Fender electric guitars made back in the late 50's or early 60's.  I was around 10 or 11 years old.  My dad passed away in 1988.  It was a valuable and rare guitar.The hard decision was made to sell the guitar to pay the mortgage. 
We sold the guitar to Vince Gill.  Vince wanted a picture of my dad with the guitar.  When I could not find a picture, I called Vince and asked if I could write him 4 or 5 lines about my dad.  Those 4 or 5 lines turned into 4 or 5 pages. 
At that point, I realized there was a story there with my dad, and other family stories that needed to be told.  A story of faith, love, and hope going back to the Revolutionary War.  It was, I believe, a purpose in my life."
That revelation of a life purpose will touch a cord in many readers and they will not be alone.  "The responses we have heard back from those who have read the book have been such a blessing.  "Smart added, noting that , "The book has been encouraging for a lot of people.  We have done a few book signings in our area, and I've spoken to a few groups with one scheduled next month."
Available in print and e-book formats from Tate Publishing, and other outlets.  See a book trailer here.  Want to interview, inquire as to appearances or simply contact the author ? - Click here.



Mariana Llanos announces the release of a second book, "A Planet for Tristan Wolf."     "I hope you can join me  Tuesday, March 11th for a Family fun night at Chick Fil A, at 6pm,  (NW XPWY and Rockwell) where I'll be signing books."

According to Readers' Favorite, my book is:  "(...) is full of surprises, unexpected turns, and exciting moments. The illustrations in the story... are colorful and they add to the story. The visuals breathe life into the story and the characters. It is a perfect story for children, filled with imagination and creativity. This adventure/sci-fi story will excite all young readers."

They gave A Planet for Tristan Wolf 5 stars!

My book is currently available on Amazon and hopefully (crossing fingers here) very soon at Full Circle Bookstore.  Please, spread the word. Independent authors need of your support!"

Mariana Llanos
Inspiring children and grown-ups, one book at a time.


Author Seeks to Benefit Runestones

Poteau, Oklahoma, February 28, 2014  In conjunction with the non-profit group Friends of Heavener Runestone, author Joe Harwell is re-releasing his first novel, The Indian Rock Vampire based on the symbols on the runestone as a benefit for the park. Since the State of Oklahoma withdrew funding for the Heavener Runestone Park in 2011, Joe has donated copies of the novel which are sold in the gift shop to help with fundraising. Advance, signed copies of the 262 page novel printed in soft cover can be purchased through the following link for $15, which includes tax and shipping. Each copy purchased by the public will result in a copy given to the gift shop to continue funding the park.
Under the guidance of Friends of Heavener Runestone, the park has undergone significant improvements through donations, volunteer effort and hard work. The park is located in Leflore county in southeastern Oklahoma on US Hwy 59, about forty five miles south of I-40. The runestone was originally called Indian Rock by French explorers who discovered it in the 1700's. In the twentieth century, Gloria Farley, a Heavener resident and researcher proved the markings were made by Vikings who visited North America almost one thousand years ago.

Harwell's novel is his own fictionalized interpretation of the origin of the markings. The book has been re-edited with a new cover featuring his teenage granddaughter, who is the same age as the lead character.

The Heavener Runestone Park will hold its annual spring Viking Fest on April 12 and 13, 2014. Admission is $5 per carload with music, dancing, arts and crafts from 10 am to 5 pm both days. Overnight camping is available on a first come, first served basis for $10. The park has restroom facilities, but no showers. Ten by ten vendor spaces are available for the festival at $25 each. Call 918-653-2241 to reserve campsites and vendor spaces.