

Best Wishes to All Writers and Readers

Happiest wishes of this holiday season, all the best of its dreams and joys, and may the new year bring many happy sales and many satisfied readers.



Index to 1930 King Jack Newspaper, Picher, Oklahoma by Fredrea Gregath Cook, 2008.
Another valuable genealogy resource has been produced, making history more assessable. Local family historian and Publisher, Fredrea Gregath Cook, has finished her latest project in conjunction with the Oklahoma Historical Society. Her newest research tool, the Index to the 1930 King Jack Newspaper, Picher, Oklahoma, was made possible by a close working relationship with the OHS.

OHS materials can be accessed, with many other archival collections, at the Oklahoma History Center. The OHC provides National Archives and Records Administration-level services for researchers in Oklahoma. There are several resources the OHC house that can be found no where else on earth. The Oklahoma Newspaper Project is one of these valuable resources, preserving Oklahoma Newspapers for future generations and researchers.

The King Jack was a staple of the small lead and zinc mining town of Picher, Oklahoma and surrounding areas, during the early years. This newspaper is full of information that can be valuable to researchers of families, mining, geography, anthropology, and many other interests. It covered current and world events of the time, club and church meetings, social events, as well as several aspects of the Tri-State Mining Field events and activities. Also of interest in these newspapers is the inclusion of the Picher Chat Pile, the local school newspaper.

Up to this point, no index for the publication existed in any form. The book is an attempt to unlock the research riches that can be found in the newspaper and aid researchers in easily using that microfilm. As is often the case with early day newspapers, there were no page numbers. This led to an organized system of indexing, not based on printed page numbers. Each King Jack was chronologically microfilmed by edition date, beginning January 16, 1930 and ending with the partial November 13, 1930 edition for the OHS project. Not all newspapers were in pristine condition or even complete, but they were microfilmed, none the less.

Mrs. Cook enjoys being able to make local history and research materials available to researchers, world wide. She has several other projects in the works, including the ongoing Ottawa County Families series. For more information, call 918-542-4148, or go to for a list of where this publisher will be visiting in the coming year.



Author, and Border Queen Book Festival planner, Tonya Shook annouces that she has an article published in the Dec./Jan. magazine, APPALACHIAN COUNTRY. The article is on wool spinning. Congratulations Tonya!



In My Mind...The World through the Eyes of Autism by Adonya Wong
"In my mind, I see many colors, bright like a rainbow, shooting about like comets in a night sky.” Take a closer look… What do you see? In My Mind, by Adonya Wong, explores the inner world of an autistic child—the world that no one else can see. From exciting adventures to silly games and conversations with friends, look closely and see how a child with autism sees the world…and how the world sees him. " The author also heads the Tulsa-based nonprofit which she founded, M.O.C.H.A. (Mothers of Color for Holistic Alternatives). Available from Tate Publishing ; 28 pages - $9.99 (paperback), and a portion of the author's proceeds benefit the Tulsa Autism Foundation.


Meet the Author: Jordan Dane

Avon/Harpercollins launched Jordan Dane’s debut suspense novels in a back to back publishing event in Spring 2008 after the 3-book series sold in auction. Ripped from the headlines, Jordan's gritty plots weave a tapestry of vivid settings, intrigue, and dark humor. Publishers Weekly compared her intense pacing to Lisa Jackson, Lisa Gardner, and Tami Hoag—romantic suspense that “crosses over into plain thriller country”. Pursuing publication since 2003, this national best selling author received awards in 33 national writing competitions, including Best Book of 2008 by Publishers Weekly in Mass-Market for her debut novel. Formerly an energy sales manager in the oil and gas industry, she now is following her passion to write full time. Jordan and her husband share their residence with two cats of highborn lineage and the sweet memory of an impossible to forget canine.

For more, visit

Current Titles:


MEET THE AUTHOR: John McAllister

John F. McAllister has produced a book that looks at seven "foundational truths" for readers pressing on toward Christian maturity. Contents include: First things first!; Fifty Reasons for Speaking in Tongues; The First and the Last: First Principles - Foundational Truths; As He Is - So Are We; Paul's Apostleship - A Pattern; Present Truth. An ordained minister, McAlister has a Masters in Divinity from Western Seminary in Portland, OR. He currently lives in Yukon, Ok.
Description: 110 pgs.; perfect bound; ISBN: 978-1593524142
Christian Services Network, $19.95
He will be at a book signing at the Yukon Public Library this week (Dec. 4, 2008).



Ed Roberts reports his new book, Whispers, Tears, Prayers, and Hope has released and is now available on (They have even marked it down)

The publisher submitted a draft copy in October to be considered for the Pulitzer Prize in Verse and it has also been sent to the Oklahoma Center for the Book to be considered for the Oklahoma Book Award.

Being in contention for these awards is a great honor, but, notes the author, this book can help a lot of people; many of the poems in the book already have.

"There is a special poem at the back of the book titled “Ink in the Storm” after which people can read around 20 pages of comments people have left on my poetry site. (I have saved over 200 pages of these.) This comment appears on the back cover, it is from the poem “Trying to Understand the Bombing.” (The poem is in this book.) “a friend of mine here at university of Amman shared with me your poetry i was PLO i was going to be terrorist by stopping me you have saved many i am returning to my people now in desert to allow sand and wind to wash away my shame my friend has shown several all he risk to do so many will never know he met you year ago you saved him he saved me now”

"In 2005, I was 1 of 10 poets chosen to represent the US at a poetry festival that was held in Amman, Jordan. I am amazed and very glad they are still sharing my poetry there." Ed Roberts notes with modesty :"I am just an average person; I work here in Oklahoma City at a call center. Sometimes though, I get to live some extra-ordinary moments".



Author, actor, director, and producer, Bret Jones, who holds a Ph.D., stays busy writing and producing shows for theatre and radio. A published novelist and produced playwright, Bret keeps the fingers flying on the keyboard to create his next work. He has written numerous plays, articles, and books.



SHOOT THE MAN DOWN by F. Lee Hayslip. Ordering information: 5x5 x 8.5 - paperback - ISBN 9781438251592 - Western fiction - 105 pages. $7.95 or

Indian Territory, 1883. Ned Picket, a deputy marshal out of Fort Smith, has learned his wife and daughter has been murdered by a band of outlaws. The trail leads into the panhandle, into the notorious no man's land where outlaws and renegades run wild. A chance encounter with a young woman, Bess Armstrong, whose family has been murdered by these same outlaws is also seeking revenge. After seeing her hatred, and bitterness, he changes his mind and realized that revenge was not the answer. Determined to take these men back to stand trial, he not only has to confront the outlaws, he has to stop her from killing them. Will he stop her cruel intentions? or will he resort to killing these men as he had planned? A chilling and soul searching story in the wild and wooly west of yesterday.

Frank was born in Hobart, Oklahoma, and has lived in Oklahoma all his life. He's an author, actor, and has written several articles for LOST TREASURE & WESTERN AND EASTERN MAGAZINES. He has three grown children, and lives with his wife of 48 years in Warr Acres, Oklahoma.



Outlaw Land by Kristen R. Porter
Ordering Information 5.5 x 8.5 Paperback ISBN: 9781432708016 $9.95
Book Information :Genre:Fiction Publication: Apr 24, 2008 Pages:124

Moving to a remote town in Oklahoma near the Wichita Mountains was not Allison's idea of fun. But as soon as she discovered the deep secrets hidden in the weathered mountains of the Wichita's, she knew she was meant to be there amidst the hidden treasures, outlaws and secret hideaways. In search of treasures buried by Belle Star and Jessie James, Allison stumbles upon their secret hideaway and must now beat them at there own game.
Kristen R. Porter has grown up near the Wichita Mountains her whole life. A love for hiking and local history inspired her to write Outlaw Land. This is the first in a series of books that takes place in the Wichita Mountains. Over the years, Kristen and her husband have been lucky enough to meet and talk with people who lived in the mountain range back when Victory School House was still in use-and Native Americans still occupied much of the territory in traditional teepees. History and the love of history can be lost with each generation if it is not kept alive. Kristen hopes this book will spark an interest in a new generation and encourage them to learn history from the people who have lived it.


Appearing at the upcoming Border Queen Book Festival in March will be Frank Barnes. Frank was born in Hay Creek (close to Leedey), Oklahoma, September 1, l923. After serving as a Nose Gunner during World War Two, he attended Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary at Fort Worth, Texas, in preparation to pastor churches in Oklahoma, Texas, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Arkansas, Tennessee, Montana, Missouri, and New Mexico before retirement in Duncan, Oklahoma. He and his wife, Betty, began their Tabernacle Study Programs to many churches prior to and continuing into his retirement years. Frank has self-published a number of publications, two books, From Hay Creek to Heaven; B-24 Nose Gunner, and many Christian booklets which will be for sale at the book festival. Booklets available will be: What Jesus Wants You To Do: a guide for counseling those who have received Christ as Savior; Twenty Centuries of Christian History; The Holy Spirit in Your Life: Six Vital Messages on the Holy Spirit; The Eternal Security of the Believer: 101 Scriptures proving the eternal security of the believer; The Christian and Controversy.



MEDIA RELEASE (For Immediate Release)
Border Queen Book Festival 2009

Oklahoma’s second Border Queen Book Festival (BQBF) will be held Saturday, March 7, 2009, from 10 - 3 PM in the new Asbury Complex at 410 South 2nd Street in Comanche, OK. The City of Comanche expects statewide attendance with added attractions scheduled for 2009, a Chautauqua being one of them on Friday evening, March 6th. We are expecting 50 authors, publishers and illustrators to be in attendance for BQBF 2009. Food will be available again at the Asbury Complex at noon. Free admission offers opportunity to meet authors and purchase autographed books.

To kick off the 2009 festival a Chautauqua type program free of charge to the public on Friday night will co-feature Dr. Steve Kern, pastor of Olivet Baptist Church in Oklahoma City, and his wife, Sally, State Representative of House District 84, at the Asbury Complex from 6:30 – 7:45 PM. Dr. Kern will express his views on the Evolution vs. Creation debate and Sally will speak on Freedom of Expression and Teaching the Controversy in Public Schools, a bill she has authored.

Kern’s book, “No Other Gods - The Biblical Creation Worldview,” written from a compilation of lectures given over a twenty year period, supports his program position and will be for sale that evening as well as at the book festival the next day. Information from science, archeology, history, and scripture are presented as evidence for faith based in Creation.

Added attractions for the second BQBF include a local essay contest for middle school children sponsored by Southern Oklahoma Arts Council with recognition and prize money to be given to winners; an entertaining and award winning percussion band performance is slated; as well as the highly acclaimed guest speakers on Friday night before the book festival.

After the Friday night program Comanche’s own Cowboy Opry on Rodeo Drive will offer live entertainment for a donation fee at 8 p.m. Fat Boys Pizza and Comanche Arts and Antiques across the street will remain open late for business for Comanche’s guests.

Limited BQBF 2009 table space is still available to interested authors. A block of rooms has been reserved at the Holiday Inn, eight miles north of Comanche in Duncan, #580-252-1500. Table reservations and questions can be directed to Tonya Holmes Shook at .



Title: THOSE PESKY VERSES OF PAUL: Women and the New Testament
Author: Marilyn A. Hudson
Description: Marilyn Hudson tackles a topic that has long afflicted many women in the Christian church. For one of the few times, the apparent limitations of women in the life of the church are examined by a woman. The words of the Apostle are balanced by examining the actions of Jesus Christ. Centuries of assumptions and "copycat" commentary are peeled away to reveal a world of new possibilities. The result may surprise some, anger many, and challenge all to reconsider "Those Pesky Verses of Paul."
Publisher: Whorl Books; paperback;
To order:
Contact :
Endorsements for “Those Pesky Verses of Paul”:
In an era where Bible interpreters, commentators, and theologians emphasize the anthropological aspects of the vital contributions of women to Christianity and the New Testament, Mrs. Hudson places the emphasis of exegetical enterprise where it belongs…in the arena of proper and correct Christology.” --- Ken L. Young, Associate Professor of Bible and Theology

“Marilyn Hudson provides more than an eye-catching title; in this work she delivers corrective to misnomers concerning the biblical portrait of women. Her conclusion that Jesus inaugurated an elevation of women to their proper distinction, and that Paul echoed that practice in the Church, desperately needs to be resounded in our day. With her stroke of a pen and sharp grasp of scripture, history and gender differences, this writer compels both men and women to re-examine ancient texts and contemporary interpretations in a quest to arrive at the truth.” ----Dr. Terry Tramel, Professor of New Testament

Marilyn provides much needed balance in her examination of those “pesky” verses. Finally, a woman looks at the scriptures, sees the truth, and communicates it!” –--- Anna Storm, Renaissance Fire
“Mrs. Hudson's work explores a subject that has plagued the Christian world for centuries. What role, if any, should women play in the ever-unfolding drama of the church? Rarely has there been unity of thought in this "arena." Her work is informative, innovative and intriguing. It states clearly and succinctly the examples from the scriptures that have been argued many times. She writes to declare truth rather than to "prove a point" or "make a case." Bound by neither time nor culture, she makes her presentation in perspective of both in order that the reader understands more clearly, what the doctrinal precedent is. Christ brought liberty to the captive--even the captive of culture.” –---- C. Iaquinta, Certified Counselor and Educator

“Marilyn is…a skilled writer and storyteller…” ---– Megan Miles

For the first time I was able to read a woman’s perspective on these most perplexing of scriptures, Marilyn raises the questions that have puzzled, and disturbed me for years. She brings much needed sense and sensibility to the text. She handles them with a strong spiritual depth that preserves Paul’s place in the canon while bringing some much needed fresh air to the murky, bias layered texts…” ----- Mary Brown, Educator



Thomas Nelson, publisher of New York Times bestselling author Marcus Buckingham announces a stop in Oklahoma. In support of his revolutionary new book, The Truth About You, Marcus is currently on the multi-city The Truth About You LIVE Tour, and there’s a stop in your state. He will be appearing at:

Oklahoma State University / Wes Watkins Center
Wednesday, November 5 / 4:00 pm

Each tour stop is a 90-minute event where Marcus presents a message that empowers you to enjoy higher satisfaction in life and work. Marcus will teach you how to find true career direction, capitalize on your uniqueness, and create a work life that plays to your strengths. Whether you’re a working professional keeping your career on track, a recent graduate making your mark, or a student building the foundation for lifelong job fulfillment, The Truth About You LIVE is a must see event.

If you are interested in attending your tour stop, please let me know and we’ll have a ticket set aside for you at will call the night of the event. Please respond by noon on Tuesday, November 4. If you are interested in Marcus’ new book, please let me know that as well and we’ll get a review copy out to you right away.

For more information on Marcus, including video and photos, the tour, and The Truth About You, please
click here.


Are You An Author Who Also Does Presentations & Speeches?

Visit the new website, "Oklahoma Performers Directory" and see about adding your name and particulars to the listing for storytellers, speakers, and music groups.



See previous entries for information:


(Press Release) – Sep 21, 2008 – “...tales of headless ghosts seeking ill-gotten gold, fiery witches, graves guarded by rattlesnakes, and even a guest appearance by Oklahoma’s most beloved backwoods creature, Bigfoot himself.” — Tim Tingle

OKLAHOMA CITY — — Looking for a spooky tale to share at your Halloween Dinner Party? Want something distinctly Oklahoma to slip into the trick-or-treat bag of your favorite little Goblin? Check out The Ghost of Mingo Creek and Other Spooky Oklahoma Legends, released last week in hardback by Forty-Sixth Star Press, Oklahoma City ($15.95). Penned by Greg Rodgers, an Oklahoma storyteller and member of the Choctaw Nation, the 104-page 5x6 book, features eight creepy tales that take place across the Oklahoma landscape. From a ghost that haunts Tulsa County’s Mingo Creek to the Kiamichi Country’s bigfoot in the southeast region of the state, the stories, though fictionalized, are based on rich Oklahoma legends. Written with the middle reader in mind, Tim Tingle, Oklahoma author and renowned Choctaw storyteller, says the book offers an enjoyable experience for readers of all ages. “For teachers, parents and librarians seeking new ways to stimulate student interest in Oklahoma history, geography, and social patterns, these stories will prove to be a valuable tool,” writes Tingle in the foreword.

The book is available at It also retails for $15.95 at Best of Books in Edmond, Okla., and in Oklahoma City at Borders and Full Circle Bookstores. For more information, on the Forty-Sixth Star Press, contact Pam Bracken at To schedule an author visit, please contact Rodgers directly at



Author Hodge Wood received the Military Writers Society Assoc. (MWSA) gave him the President's Award for 2008 and a Silver Medal Memoir Award for his book, Chum Water. Hodge was at the first book festival and will be at the second Border Queen Book Festival in 2009. (See previous entry for more details on this engaging story).



"A real Oklahoma romantic suspense written with a twist of humor. Meet a heroine Annie who takes the bull by the horns and the handsome Native American Hero who carries a dark secret. Meet the Oklahoma Governor who sweats enthusiasm who is also interested in Annie. Meet Annie's sister Jen who is a web designer involved with an exboyfriend who may be abusing her. Also Carlos, a not so intelligent, career criminal from Mexico who kidnaps Annie but gets outsmarted. Lou, Annie's handsome ex husband who isn't paying childsupport, and his fiancee Christina who is an agressive attorney jealous of Annie. If you like romance and suspense, you'll love Oklahoma Hearts Meet the real people from Oklahoma.."

To order: $18.95 : UPDATE: The books is also available via Update Amazon, Barnes &,, and


Sept. 13 SCBWI Conference, Chandler, OK

The Oklahoma Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustators (SCBWI) will host a FALL CONFERENCE September 13, 2008 in Chandler, Oklahoma. There are two chapters in Oklahoma. One in Oklahoma City, and the other in Tulsa. The link to the Oklahoma chapter is: . We have about 250 members here.


Respecting Different Views: An Editorial

The literary landscape of Oklahoma is one that is both varied and broad. The spaces, books and authors we celebrate often cover a broad range of ideas, viewpoints, and value systems. In the American way of liberty, these various views and ideas are exchanged in the spirit of "intellectual freedom". It is an individuals right to disagree with ideas and views, but never a right to bring ad hominim attacks based on these different views. Our US Constitution guards those freedoms to express, hear, and disagree with ideas. Our Constitution also provides protections for those who would seek to silence those different voices and to those who would seek to bring harm to those who hold different views. It is a balance to be treasured and upheld. Common civility demands that we disagree with honor, restraint, and good manners. This blog is not the forum for attacks on views, on persons, or on government policies. This blog is about books, ideas, and viewpoints in the creative process called writing and authorship.


Dr. Steve Kern and State Representative Sally Kerns

The Border Queen Book Festival will have an addition next year in our program. We are going to have special guest speakers on Friday evening March 6th prior to the festival on Saturday, March 7th, 2009. Author Dr. Steve Kern and his wife, State Representative House District 84, Sally Kern, will be our guest speakers.

The topics will have interest to both authors and the general public in a Chautauqua type setting at the Asbury Complex in Comanche, OK.
The Friday meeting will be at 6:30, the festival the next day starts at 10 a.m. until 3p.m. This is free to the public.

Dr. Kern will speak on the Evolution vs. Creation debate. Sally will speak on her Freedom of Expression and Teaching the Controversy in Public Schools bills she has authored.

For more information, contact event planner author Tonya Holmes Shook



SATURDAY NIGHT COCOA FUDGE is a coming-of-age story of not only a freckled-faced girl of the 1950s in east Tennessee but the maturation of the women of my family. "This book isn’t about a sugar-sweet mother and grandmother, nor is it about an unscrupulous family that crippled me emotionally." Author Gloria Teague notes, " Rather it’s about sweetly flawed women who taught me what I was meant to be and what I was not meant to be. Our neck of the woods was filled with folklore, superstition, and mystical ideas. My grandmother believed and practiced most of these, passing them onto the next generation. My world was populated with strange relatives, quirky neighbors and mysterious bible verses that could stop the flow of blood. Being a member of this bizarre family made life worth living. These people were so fiercely loyal in their love for me, for each other, I felt they deserved to have their story told. " - Gloria Teague
The book is available from Amazon.


MEET THE AUTHOR: Kenneth Shelby Armstrong

This delightful biography brings more than one smile. Setting the tone are statements such as : "I didn't come along until 1927, but my parents chose an auspicious place for my birth. They chose Skedee, Oklahoma." He strings together episodes of life both dramatic, silly, and deeply moving to engage and retain interest. In 1909 his grandfather shot a man in a bar in Kentucky motivating the move into the new state of Oklahoma. From there he follows the "rough roads" of life with vigor, comedy, and emotion. An excellent and interesting addition to any adult, Oklahoma biography, or general biography collection.

Publisher: Rough Roads Press (P.O. BOX 7 , FORT TOWSON, OK 74735 / Kenneth Shelby Armstrong (

ISBN: 978-0-9798327-0-3 Cost: $15.00 (perfect binding) Description: , p. 264Available from:



Author Sharon Ervin announces that her seventh novel,
MURDER ABOARD THE CHOCTAW GAMBLER, was released from Five Star/Cengage Publishing in May. "I've been doing speakings and signings since to promote this romantic suspense, the second in a three-book series."
"I spoke to Romance Writers Ink, Tulsa, at our regular meeting July 12, signed at Full Circle in OKC last Saturday (July 19) and spoke to the Writers Guild of Texas at the Richardson, Texas, public library Monday evening, July 21. "
Besides keeping busy writing exciting new titles, Sharon notes: "I am active in Sisters in Crime, Romance Writers of America and the Tulsa affiliate, the Oklahoma Writers Federation, the Lesser North Texas Writers, and McAlester's McSherry Writers. "

Be sure and catch her at these upcoming book signings:
  • Steve's in Tulsa from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday, August 2
  • Barnes & Noble on 71st in Tulsa from 11 a.m. to 1 .m. on Saturday August 9
  • Hastings in Paris, Texas, from 4 to 6 p.m. on Saturday, August 16
  • Barnes & Noble Store at the Stonebriar shopping center in Frisco, Texas, from 2 to 4 p.m. on Saturday, August 23
  • Barnes & Noble Store in Norman from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday, August 30
  • Borders on the NW Expressway in OKC from 1 to 3 p.m. on Saturday, September 13.

Author of:
BODACIOUS, 2002, and



Tonya Shook reports that an article written about the wool spinner - part of a manuscript she has been working on - and one to which a number of people have contributed will soon be printed. It looks like it will be in the Dec/Jan. issues of Appalachian Country Magazine



Francis Pike, author of Created to Rule Together (see earlier posting) , will be speaking at the 2nd Annual Women in Spiritual Leadership Convention in Lawton, August 16, 2008.



"... I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move." - Matthew 17:20

Inspired by a true story, this delightfully innovative children’s story was written for seven-year-old Mary Ann, a little Amish girl who had just been diagnosed with cancer. As Mary Ann lay awaiting the first of many chemotherapy treatments, in walked a complete stranger bearing a cuddly bundle of fur named “Faith.” Faith arrived at Mary Ann’s bedside hoping to become her “bestest” friend and traveling company for the long journey ahead. This tender story will guide you through Faith’s creation at Build-A-Bear Workshop and her many adventures on an Amish farm. Written and illustrated by two women from Oklahoma, Melyanna Hewitt and illus by Kelly Brown - this book spearheads a fund raising effort on Mary Ann’s behalf. Your purchase of this book will help pay a portion of Mary Ann’s medical expenses.



The next event will be Saturday, March 7, 2009 in Comanche, Oklahoma.

There will be a fee of $5.00 per author for the March 2009 event to cover the utility expenses. A limited space requires name reservations. The fee will not be required until the cutoff date: December 2008. off time. 40 aisle tables are the max. We have more than half our limit registered so far. Those that reserve a table must do so by contacting me to put their name on the list. Some authors have decided to double up but it is still the same fee per author.

CONTACT: or 580-439-6912.

Tonya Shook, event coordinator noted: "I don't know too many book festivals that offer such opportunity for author and general public, no cost to the public and very little to an author. It was a wonderful success last time but even a better one this next year due to the wonderful plans being put into effect."

Plans are to keep it simple but have lots more publicity! There is even a plan to arrange for a film of the last event to be played on regional television and cable outlets. Although not all plans are finalized, tentatively there is planned a salad bar to make the meal on Saturday delightfully delicious, healthy and vendor friendly.



Gardner's Books and Music 4421 S. Mingo Rd, Tulsa announces a book signing by Oklahoma author Marvin Wiebener. The event will take place on June 14th from 2:00 p.m. until 5:00. Wiebener will be autographing THE MARGIN an exciting suspense novel rooted in the history of Northwest Oklahoma.


Congrats to P.J. Lawton! "Lethal Options" Garners 5 Star Review!

Title: LETHAL OPTION : A 'Simon Says' Detective Adventure ISBN 1-4137-7930-1
Description: Private Investigator Winston Simon meets beautiful surgeon, Lana Elmore. First she saves his life, and then he saves hers. They fall in love and plan to marry but there is one major stumbling block. Lana has lost on fiancé to violence and is determined not to lose another. After Simon is seriously injured, she gives him an ultimatum, his job or her. Before he can come to a decision a deadly sequence of actions drives a deep wedge between them. After completing several stressful cases, a physically and emotionally exhausted Simon finally makes his choice. But, is it too late? Unfortunately, Simon has made some deadly enemies. Does the pursuit of happiness always come with a price? For Simon, maybe it does.

Contact: PJ Lawton at
The author has garnered a five star review on Ghost Writer Reviews (see what they have to say at )



Title: CREATED TO RULE TOGETHER: A Call for Gender Balanced Leadership.
Spirit Life Ministries
Description: Questions of how men and women should relate are a reoccuring problem for modern society, from marriage to the workplace. This highly reviewed work addresses not marriage but about men and women serving together to fulfill the Kingdom mandate to rule. "This book is a must read for anyone holding or aspiring to hold a leadership position within the church of the 21st century..." Carolyn M. Deleon, D.M. Frances Pike taught in public and private schools for 25 years. She has also seved with her husband, Dr. Garnet E. Pike, in equipping ministers throughout their 35 years of full time ministry. Together they lead SpiritLife Ministries International.
Contact: SPL ,3519 NW 41st, OKC, OK 73112 / 405-917-9012



A special book launch event is being planned for Friday the 13th in June 2008, at Club 209, 209 N. Boulder in Tulsa, OK.
What: Beneath a Buried House Book Launch Party
When: June 13th from 6:00 PM to 11:00 PM
Where: Club 209, 209 N. Boulder, Tulsa, OK
Door Prizes and free food. Come dressed as your favorite mystery character



Author Marvin Wiebener announces that The Bookseller (a bookstore) in Ardmore is sponsoring a book signing on his behalf Saturday, May 17 from 1:00 pm until 3:00.
He will be selling his mystery-THE MARGIN-which can be viewed on his website



Title: Beneath a Buried House
Publisher: Deadly Niche Press, an imprint of AWOC BooksP.O. Box 2819 Denton, TX 76202AWOC ; Ingram Book Group (Distributor)
Description: pg.; perfect bound; ISBN:

Summary: A Detective Elliot novel, Beneath a Buried House, continues Avey's taunt prose and subtle mood to bring a story that promises to engage any reader. Due out in June 2008.

"BENEATH A BURIED HOUSE / COMING JUNE 2008 Things aren't always what they seem. Tulsa Police Detective, Kenny Elliot's quest to uncover the truth behind the death of a transient makes him a target from whom or what he isn't sure. When he brushes the dirt from the surface of an apparent John Doe overdose case, he finds a labyrinth of misdirection and deception beneath, and a trail, which leads him to an encounter with an aberration in human nature, the likes of which he's not prepared to deal with. Drawing on the strength of character, and a sense of right and wrong, he wrestles with deep personal feelings to solve the case."

A special book launch event is being planned forFriday the 13th in June 2008, at Club 209, 209 N. Boulder in Tulsa, OK.What: Beneath a Buried House Book Launch PartyWhen: June 13th from 6:00 PM to 11:00 PMWhere: Club 209, 209 N. Boulder, Tulsa, OKDoor Prizs and free food. Come dressed as your favorite mystery character



Our next Border Queen Book Festival, honoring an early name for Comanche, Oklahoma, will be held on March 7th , 2009 (Sat.) from 10 am until 3 pm (or later if customers are still coming.) The first festival saw authors of nonfiction, romance, suspense, history, children's literature, religious/inspirational works, and so much more!
Set ups will be at 9 am on the 7th of March. There will be a fee of $5.00 per author. That will defray the cost of utilities for this event. Food will be there for the customer and author to purchase, no menu has been settled on yet but I'm thinking Hot Dog/ Hamburger/ Salad type of thing for people, to purchase -but it will be reasonable. I should have a motel with a block of rooms at a lower price reserved as time nears - in Duncan, 8 miles north of Comanche. There will be room for 40 tables and no more, all tables will be isle tables accessible for the attendee to approach any author. Your decoration and salesmanship will determine your sales. I hope to have lots more advertising going on this year with a bigger head start than the first one. There will be no speaker, but I am looking for a caricaturist. Know anyone? They will set up and sell their work to the people, $5.00 fee for this space. I will ask those who want to attend to contact me to reserve your name; later ask for your non-refundable fee of $5.00 to reserve your place. It will be first come first serve. Any cancellation will be the only space left available for those listed in the name reservations that want to come. I will need your name first and you will be the first considered, your reservation money will be asked for much later.

This is the information I have at present. Hope you can make it. Get your name in to me as soon as possible so we can reserve a place. You are welcome to have 2 to a table if you wish, your choice, but it is $5.00 per entry. It will be a great time meeting people, networking, and selling books! The Schools will be advertising for this event as well as many other places.
Make your name reservation as soon as possible. Blessings, Tonya

Contact your state representatives and legislators! Wouldn't it be wonderful if school systems and communtiies across the region, and even statewide, would set apart that day and the Saturday of other book festivals, in order to highlight literacy in our state? Help promote a CELEBRATION OF LITERACY in Oklahoma! School children and teachers would be free of other school activities (sports, tests, etc.) on that day and local schools could arrange to accept CEU's for attending the event.
Bookmark: the BQBF blog - updates and additional information will be added there as it appears.

Read on Oklahoma!


Three Rules for Marketing

1. Develop a vibrant blurb to describe your book to someone in a couple of sentences. If you can't do that - revisit your work. The writer unable to do this often has a problem with their book - so see how well you can define (in selling terms) your work.
2. Establish "talking points" about your book: what sets it apart? what sets you apart? why should someone buy your work?
3. "Lattice" your work to other venues and events. Do a web of your book and identify all the parts and how you might market the book to those sub-sections.



Have you heard about....? FRESH EIRE DESIGNS - an answer for the self-publishing author.

Writing your book is only the first step in publishing.
Now it is time to package and market your work. With millions of available titles for customers to choose from, you are going to need an advantage to break away from the pack.That advantage comes from eye-catching design, which makes your book stand apart from the many others sitting side-by-side on the rack.
Think about how many times you have wandered into a bookstore and grabbed a volume because the cover alone grabbed your attention. The next thing you know, you're reading the back and deciding this sounds like a great book. A sale is made because of effective design.
If you are self-publishing (or your publisher is open to third-party designs), consider choosing FRESH EIRE DESIGNS for your next project. From cutting edge cybergraphics and grunge to the clean, sparse appeal of corporate design, FRESH EIRE DESIGNS has the solution to your design needs. We can produce attractive, eye-catching designs that will help your work stand out - all at affordable rates.
See more design samples at Contact us today and let us know how we can help you achieve your dreams.



Have you heard about....? I have received news from two authors who have already seen sales as a direct result of this blog. Congratulations!

Border Queen Book Festival Kudos

Have you heard about....?

Plans are already underway to repeat this great event and more sponsors are expressing an interest in what is sure to be a continuing - and great - opportunity for Southwest Oklahoma but regionally. As author Nancy Robinson Masters letter to the Comanche Times reveals it was a hit!


MEET THE AUTHOR: Tonya Holmes Shook

Have you heard about....? Tonya Holmes Shook, who was an inspiration for this OK Writers & Authors blog, and the energy behind the Border Queen Book Festival.

Tonya Holmes Shook was born in Oklahoma and lived in New Mexico and Texas before returning to Oklahoma in 1985. She is author of Displaced Cherokee: Come Home, Come Home, a book documentary that took First Place in the 1986 Open Class Category at the Oklahoma State Fair. The book also was endorsed by the Oklahoma Department of Libraries. In addition to writing books, Tonya is an accomplished artist, poet and short story writer. Many of her works have Christian themes. Source:

How & Why of OK Authors and Writers Blog

This Oklahoma Writers and Authors blog was born out of the Border Queen Book Festival and a desire by several writers and readers to assist authors in showcasing their work. There is no fee for being placed on this blog. The only requirement is that the author is an Oklahoman or has written a book featuring Oklahoma (or has a book within about 6 months of publication). Another blog, Promoting Writers and Authors, has been created to help promote authors regardless of their location. Still another offers a means of having your work professionally reviewed for free.
Why? The blog manager, while also a struggling author, is also a professional librarian who values the literary effort. As a librarian who has arranged programs for authors, ordered their books for the shelves, and visited with them over the years, the blog manager feels that every author deserves the chance to be seen and noticed.
All any author has to do is send their book information, book jacket image, and ordering information to be profiled to No fees, no cost, and no jealous competition - simply a forum for promoting your book. This is your opportunity to sell yourself and your book. Write a literal "blurb" that teases, entices, and informs the reader so they want to examine your title.
Also, recommend writers groups, events, publishers, printers, and other resources of note.
As a courtesy, if you utilize the OK Writers Blog - please link it on your pages and spread the word about this resource and opportunity. Such open kindness is, after all, the Oklahoma way of doing things.


MEET THE AUTHOR: Sean Chandler

Have you heard about....? The Gospel of the Gun.

Sean notes, "This is my third published book, and in my opinion the best that I have written to date. The setting is Indian Territory 1882 (before Oklahoma Statehood), and the book mixes religious theology with the western genre."

"Jeremiah Irons, known as Judas among the Disciple Gang, has always ridden the outlaw trail with only a good horse and the inscribed pistols Heaven and Hell at his side. It isn't until he happens upon Lucif R. Shadows and his eleven that he is convinced of the error of his ways. With Jeremiah's addition to the gang, the twelve go to thirteen and the legend of the Disciple Gang begins."

Sean Chandler brings the Disciple Gang to vivid life as they bring the worst kind of villainy to fruition, and a new kind of religious zeal upon the frontier. Each man in the gang assumes the name of a Disciple after the crazed Lucif Shadows begins to believe in the stories written about him, and soon after Jeremiah Irons discovers it might have been best to remain on his own. Accused of stealing money from them, the Disciple Gang turns on him in the streets of Tombstone, Arizona Territory. Fighting his way out of the trap laid for him, Jeremiah's travels land him in the town of Wewoka, Indian Territory where he unwittingly finds safety in the guise of a preacher. It is in Wewoka that Jeremiah begins to learn who he really is, and through the friendship of the townspeople, and especially the beautiful Hope West, a purpose for his life. Jeremiah's good fortune only serves to make it that much harder when the Disciple Gang learn of his continued existence. When the Disciple Gang arrives in Wewoka to exact revenge upon him, can Jeremiah forsake his outlaw ways ...or will he have to pick up the guns that made him a legend?

Sean Chandler has previously written two western novels, Ebony Marshal and Ebony Marshal: Bitter. He is currently writing his first non-western novel and working on several short works.

Gospel of the Gun ISBN 978-0-9746913-5-0 PRICE: 15.95 PAGES: 352 Release Date: May 9, 2008. To place orders for the book, arrange a book signing or interview, contact Sean Chandler at: Branded Black Publishing, PO Box 950781 Oklahoma City, Ok 73195 Toll-free: 1-888-869-6290 Home Phone: (405)495-7256


MEET THE AUTHOR: Sara Saint John

Have you heard about....? TRUST THE NIGHT by Sara Saint John
ISBN: 1-59998-913-1 Length: 68,395 words Price: 5.50 Genre: Paranormal Romance
available at and

Bullets won't stop this killer. It'll take a vampire.
In homicide detective Beth Andrews’ eyes, "Mad Jack" is committing the ultimate abuse against women—murder. She’ll stop at nothing to bring him to justice. The sexy criminal psychologist she’s been paired with is a distraction she doesn’t need, but he’s getting under her skin in more ways than one. Sam Jordan knows he is two things Beth doesn’t trust: A shrink, and a man. But Beth needs his help more than she knows, because like the killer they hunt, Sam is a vampire. Revealing himself could destroy her fragile trust--and make her the killer’s next target.
Sara Saint John : Stories of good vs. evil and the healing power of love.

Blood Atonement now available in print @
ISBN: 1-59998-359-1

Trust the Night now available @
ISBN: 1-59998-913-1

MEET THE AUTHOR: Marvin Wiebener

Have you heard about....? THE MARGIN
Marvin Wiebener / Published July 2007 / ISBN 9781432708153

An exciting mystery novel rooted in the history of Northwest Oklahoma

Not long after returning from the Korean War, Fred Gray, a third-generation Oklahoma rancher, went to the Harper County courthouse to check land records. In an old journal he discovered a narrative entry and what looked like a map, both dated in the 1890s. Although they interested the rancher, raising a family and making a living pushed his curiosity to the back burner. Little could he know that fifty years later those entries along with stories his grandfather had told him would come together and change his families life forever.

The Margin may be viewed on Wiebener's website Just click on the icon to read reviews and to purchase for $13.95 plus s&h . If a reader would like a personalized/autographed copy just contact the author at for details

All proceeds from the sale of The Margin the first year it is in publication go to the Muscular Dystrophy Association



Have you heard about....? Bret Jones - Author, actor, director, and producer, Bret Jones stays busy writing and producing shows for theatre and radio. A published novelist and produced playwright, Bret keeps the fingers flying on the keyboard to create his next work.


Have you heard about....? Hodge Wood, Comanche, OK

In October 1977, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Hodge Wood's favorite rock band, was in an airplane crash and several of the members died. That same night, Hodge's life changed forever when the van in which he was a passenger slammed into a bridge. Initially unable to move, Hodge faced challenges that few of us can fathom. Chum Water is the first in the Sharks on Wounded Fish series where Hodge shares with us the details of life with a serious spinal cord injury. In Chum Water, Hodge describes an eventful four year recovery that climaxes with return to work as a new therapist assisting others with spinal cord injury.



Have you heard about....? "ABOVE THE STORM" (click contact the author)

Description: Josh Matthews, returning wounded from Vietnam and deserted by his high school sweetheart, finds renewed hope through Becky O'Donnell, a girl who has matured from an adolescent "pest" into a beautiful young woman. Becky shares her Christian faith and helps Josh rise above his depression to become a respected pastor. Complications arise when his high school flame reappears to win him back, and a cult leader, who calls himself "The Prophet" devises a plan to send his followers to their deaths. Josh must lay aside his clerical robes and resort to using all his Marine training in order to save them. This books is available from the publisher in many formats: Wings ePress, Inc, Published: 2006, 2006 Fictionwise Release Date: November 2006 . You can read an interview with the author at


2008 Oklahoma Writers Conference

Have you heard about....?

The 2008 Oklahoma Writer's Conference, "Fantastic Forty, Writer's Glory!" will be May 1-3, at the Reed Conference Center, 5800 Will Rogers Road, Midwest City.

Registration Form & Details

Keynote speakers / Workshop leaders